We match students with the right tutor based on individual needs

Completely Individualized

One-size-fits-all does not work well for 1-on-1 tutoring. Our tutors will create a customized tutoring program that would help you perform your best.

Mached and Best Tutors

We will match you with the best possible tutor for you from our amazing pool of tutors. Our tutors are top performers in the subjects they teach and have teaching/tutoring experience. They also receive continuous training and feedback to ensure best performance.

Total Satisfaction

Our elite tutors will ensure that you are completely satisfied with our tutoring services. Our tutoring supervisors will follow up with you and the student to maximize satisfaction.

One-on-One & Group Settings

While many students prefer 1-on-1 tutoring, some prefer and perform better in small (3-4) groups, which is also less expensive. We try to offer both options to the families using our tutoring services.

Initial Evaluation

We spend a part of the first session to learn about your student and his/her goals, weaknesses and strengths. Then we create a customized roadmap appropriate for the student. The student and the tutor will meet online 1-2 times a week at your convenience.

Competitive Price

We are proud of our excellent tutoring services and have kept our prices competitive. As always, your complete satisfaction is our goal.

You Need to Know

Even the top athletes need a coach to reach their full potential. 1-on-1 tutoring is ideal for helping your child achieve great results and advance your child’s academic career by learning a subject well, improving performance, and getting great grades. In 1-on-1 tutoring sessions, the tutor can facilitate learning customized to the needs of an individual student. One-on-One tutoring is one of the quickest ways to drive results in your child’s academic career.

COVID19 is adversely affecting education. One study predicted that a typical student would start Fall 2020 with only about 63-68% of learning gains in reading relative to a typical year. It is even worse for math (only 37 – 50% relative to a typical year). As remote learning continues for much of the nation, additional learning losses are likely to happen in 2020-21.

If your child is a high school student, this could have disastrous consequences. College admission has become highly competitive, with the top schools accepting only 5-10% of applicants. Many public universities now accept less than 50% of applicants, with some accepting less than 20%. This is not the time for your high schooler’s grade to drop, which can adversely affect their chances of getting into the college of their choice.

Despite the current turmoil, some students will, in fact, make more gains relative to a typical year. Your child could be among them with the right help. Prep Excellence has the best coaches to help your child excel in studies and other aspects of student life. We have elite tutors for many subjects in school and college. We pride ourselves over our selective tutors.

Algebra 1
Algebra 2
English and

We also offer tutoring for standardized testing that focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of individual students that raises their confidence and results in maximum score improvements.

SAT Subject Tests
AP Exams
STAAR and more

Call us today to get a free consultation and learn how we make you and your child’s life easier!

Have Questions?


We are here to answer any of your question! If you have any question about our Tutoring services, please let us know by completing the form to the right. You can also call us (9 AM to 7 PM Eastern) or email.

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