Category: General Education

The Study Motivation Blueprint: How to Finally Conquer Your Academic Goals!


Included in this article: 

  • Create a Clear, Achievable Plan
  • Stay Organized
  • Take Study Breaks
  • Reward Yourself


You go home after school and check Schoology, Canvas, Google Classroom, or whatever other website your school uses to see that you have 3 untouched assignments and 2 quizzes, all due tomorrow. You’ve had two weeks to complete these assignments, but of course, as always, you waited until the last minute to begin them. You know you should probably stop procrastinating and just get started on all your work, but you do not even know where to begin, and you would much rather just sit in your bed all day and binge some Netflix. It’s okay; we have all been there and have had times when our motivation is not at its best. What is important is learning the tips and tricks to overcoming the looming procrastination and lack of motivation that troubles many students today. Keep reading to learn more!



Do you struggle with staying on task while studying? Maybe you find yourself stressing about a million different things at once. Maybe you struggle with disorganization and a lack of motivation to do your work. Is procrastination eating away at you? Read below to learn my personal tips and tricks that will guarantee you greater motivation while studying! This plan has worked for me when I was struggling to find motivation throughout high school and I have carried it with me into college. By learning how to create a clear and manageable study plan, organization tips, taking breaks, and rewarding yourself, surely you will find something new to take away from this article that will help guide you toward achieving your academic goals and becoming a better student overall! 


Create a Clear, Achievable Plan

Start by writing out a detailed plan of everything you want to get done. Have a checklist. Checklists can make you feel very accomplished and motivate you to keep that feeling of productivity going each time you check something off.  Begin by organizing everything by due date; things that are due sooner should be at the top of your list. To make things simpler, break down each item on your list into smaller, more manageable steps. For instance, if you have a test in two days, write what steps you plan to take to study for that test. You could write “review notes” and “check class slides” under this list. This can make it seem less of a daunting task and can help you organize all your ideas and make sure that you do not forget any important steps. 

If you have multiple assignments due on the same day, space them out and do a little bit of work each day so that the assignments don’t all pile up last minute. Keeping a list of all your work and due dates can be an essential step to making sure that you are not forgetting anything and that you are not leaving multiple assignments to be completed on the same day. Take it step by step, and day by day with your assignments. As previously stated, give priority to the assignments/quizzes/tests that are due sooner. 




Something that can help keep you on task with your plan is following a study technique. My personal favorite, and one you have probably heard of before is The Pomodoro Technique. This technique involves 25-minute intervals of working with 5-minute breaks in between which helps with maintaining focus and minimizing distractions.  After 4 rounds of this, take a longer 30-minute break and repeat the process until you are done with all your work for the day. This technique is very effective for breaking large assignments into smaller, more achievable chunks that’ll make you feel a lot less overwhelmed and stressed about your workload. Give it a try for yourself and see how well your focus and motivation improve!


Stay Organized 




Organization is key to accomplishing anything! If your workspace and materials are a mess, you will be more likely to feel anxious about doing your work and unmotivated to even start. As someone once said, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned”. People often do not realize the effect that organization has on their ability to maintain motivation and feel productive. An organized space can significantly help to reduce distractions. When your environment is clutter-free, it is easier to concentrate on the task at hand. A chaotic workspace can lead to a chaotic mind, making it hard to focus and stay motivated. Organization allows you to visually see your work progress through ways such as keeping a to-do list and reinforces a sense of achievement, thereby, boosting motivation. 

Another tip for keeping organized, alongside creating a checklist and schedule of all your work, is to take notes. Taking notes helps to keep track of your progress and makes it easier to refer back to when needed. Additionally, it helps you to stay organized and on track with your goals. Keep organized notes for each subject, and divide them into sections based on topics. Color coding your notes can also help you highlight important information, making it easier to recall later on. 


Take Study Breaks

As previously mentioned with The Pomodoro Technique, It is important to give yourself breaks in between your study sessions so that you do not get overworked or feel burnt out. You may not realize it, but taking breaks can actually greatly improve your ability to retain information and, therefore, make for a much more productive study session. 

Taking short breaks in between studying can help prevent mental fatigue. This allows you to maintain concentration when you return to studying. Stepping away can improve memory consolidation (the process where short-term memories are made into long-term memories), making it easier to remember what you have learned. Another great benefit of taking breaks is that it can lower anxiety and stress levels. This can help you go back to your work with a clearer mind, and in turn, produce greater work. 

Taking breaks has great effects on increased motivation because regularly taking breaks can make your work seem less daunting and, therefore, push you to continue doing it. What you do during your breaks can also be very beneficial to your overall study experience. Perhaps, take this opportunity to get up and stretch for a bit. Go outside and take a short walk, breathe some fresh air. Or even just go outside your room for a bit and say hello to your family. It is recommended to avoid using screens during your break and, rather, recharge your energy levels by getting up and doing something. 


Reward Yourself

Create an incentive for yourself! Reward yourself over your “small” accomplishments while studying. Let’s say your mom knows you have been craving a sweet treat for a while, so she decides to get it for you, and it’s waiting for you downstairs. Allow it to motivate you; let it be your incentive! Tell yourself that if you complete a certain amount of assignments or study for an exam for a set amount of time, then you will be able to enjoy a yummy treat to reward yourself.




Maybe you have been trying to hang out with your friends for a long time. Promise yourself that if you get everything on your to-do list done, you can go spend a nice, relaxing evening with your friends to reward yourself for your work and de-stress after a long day.  

Rewarding yourself after periods of studying can create a positive association with studying in your mind, making it more appealing to stay engaged and keep moving forward in the future. Having a reward in mind while studying can also help you to maintain a positive mood while working, which can make your study experience less stressful, and rather enjoyable. This, in turn, allows you to produce higher-quality work because you are content with what you are doing. Rewards can also help you set and achieve specific goals, giving you a sense of accomplishment once you complete each task. Celebrating your progress while studying (no matter how big or small!) can lead to greater satisfaction and a sense of achievement. This can fuel your sense of motivation and allow you to keep striving to do more. 


Final Words:

How has your study motivation changed since adopting this plan? Do you feel like you have been on top of your assignments, have a more organized study schedule, have improved time management skills, and perhaps seen an increase in your grades overall? Remember, what may work for one person may not necessarily work for another, so do not be afraid to try out different study techniques, note-taking methods, and tips, and vary your ideas for giving yourself rewards and breaks. Try out different options until you find something that works for you, I promise you will! 

Good luck with all of your academic endeavors!  


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Reviewed by Inayah Ahmad, Dr. Kaisar Alam, Ashfaqur Rahman, and Kurratul Ayin


Study Techniques + Time Management

Included in this article: 

  • Time Management
  • Effective Study Habits
  • Balancing Extracurriculars & Academics
  • Stress Management
  • Mindset

Mastering study skills is an absolute must-do for high school students. Not only is it essential to excel in high school, but it is also a great tool to have as you navigate higher levels of education, including college and beyond. High school is where many build the tools they need as they grow academically. With the insight of some of my own strategies as well as techniques that have been proven to give you the upper hand, you will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to finish all assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities with ease. In this blog, I have outlined some tips that show how to make the best use of the time available  as well as develop good study habits. They are built to get you on the path of success, especially due to the high-stress life many students live. The common misconception that many adults have concerning student life is that all kids need to focus on  good grades. However, this is simply not the case. Students need to focus on schoolwork of course, but they have a lot more on their plate, including social lives, extra curricular activities, and finding themselves as people. Teenage years are crucial to the development of a person, so spending time on yourself is vital. However, this is often overlooked due to overlooking its importance or even bad time management. 


Time Management

  • Why Time Has to Be Managed

It’s more than just scheduling; it is setting the intention of maximizing your productivity. Fail to plan, and you plan to scramble. In the past, you may have been able to get out of planning out your day, but high school is where that changes. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second counts, and by having a rough plan of the day, you can organize what you need to do and when you plan on doing it. There is simply too much going at this point to be reliant on luck. You have to take charge of the situation and give yourself the best odds to succeed, and the only way to do that is by managing your time wisely. This means putting in time for your academics, your physical health, your extracurriculars, and finding the time to set aside for yourself to ensure you don’t burn out or lose focus on the tasks ahead. 


  • The Power of Advance Planning

Likely the most practical technique in regard to time management is to write things down. Have some sort of a planner, whether that be an electronic diary, a notebook, etc. so you can set your week out in advance. This is by far the easiest and one of the most effective ways to stay on top of your work. Mark in the crucial deadlines, tests, or any other events that are taking place. Assign yourself set times to study, complete your homework, review your classwork, complete extra curricular activities, and relax during your built in relaxation periods. You can truly bring your anxiety down by a significant amount if you stay honest with yourself and have a clear plan to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.


  • Prioritizing: The ABC Method

One of the most important aspects of planning is realizing that some things are more important than others. An exam tomorrow should take more importance than an exam taking place in a week’s time. Not everything is about timing, however. For example, if you know you struggle more with math, set aside an increased amount of time to review your math classwork and homework. This allows you to combat your deficiency in that area with an increased devotion of time and energy. To rank your work in terms of importance, use the ABC method;




A tasks — are tasks that are actually urgent and important (studying for a test tomorrow)

B tasks — are important but not urgent (working on a project due in one week)

C tasks — are neither urgent nor particularly important (browsing in social media).


Put first things first, and do the A tasks; after that, move to the B tasks. You can do C tasks when you have time or not at all if they really don’t add any value.


  • Avoid Procrastination

Therein lies the bane of productivity in time management—procrastination. If a task appears very challenging or time-consuming, then there is the natural tendency to put it off. By succumbing to procrastination, however, you may experience both increased stress levels and a decrease in the quality of your work. By leaving things till the last minute,  you are adding even more pressure onto yourself than there already is, which simply complicates your life. Instead of waiting till the final hour to write that massive essay, break it into smaller parts. Write an outline on Monday, the introduction on Tuesday, and so on and so forth. By giving yourself time you can ensure that things don’t pile up and that you hand in your absolute best work. Due to the goals being smaller and more achievable, they will also make you feel good when you complete them, and therefore they will give you the momentum to keep going. Another important aspect is to reward yourself when you stay on schedule and complete those smaller goals. This helps you in the future to stick to the task and not procrastinate as the reward will have associated that positive feeling with that of getting those small goals done. 


Effective Study Habits




  • Finding Your Best Study Environment

Where you study makes a massive difference. Some students respond best to total silence, while others respond better with a little background noise. Test different locations—perhaps your bedroom, the library, or maybe even a coffee shop—to help find what works best for you. Don’t be afraid to explore and find what’s best for you, as it makes a bigger difference than you may think. 


  • The Pomodoro Technique: Study Smarter, Not Longer

One of the most effective focuses and productivity enhancers in terms of time management is the Pomodoro Technique. The idea of it is quite simple: to have a break for 5 minutes after each 25-minute session devoted to studying. Then, after four of those, a longer rest pause of up to 15 to 30 minutes is to be taken. Using this method, you will not experience burnout, and your mind will be fresh and willing to grasp more information in an effective manner. This relates back to the idea of rewarding yourself upon completing smaller goals, which, in this scenario, are the smaller study sessions. I do not recommend using your phone during the break, but instead getting up, moving around, drinking water/snacking, and maybe reading or speaking to someone. Anything that is engaging and can get you out of your study space without involving a screen, as it is proven that using screens during these short break times will hurt your focus when you return to studying.


  • Active Learning: Engage with the Material

Engage in active learning. This may include summarizing what you have read in your own words, teaching it to someone else, or creating flashcards. Active learning will force you to process and comprehend the content, and, hence, you will remember it better. This forces you to retain every aspect of the information and also allows you to analyze what you know and what you need to review. 


  • Practice Makes Perfect: The Role of Repetition

Part of the key to success in any subject is repetition. Don’t bring your notes up to date the night before a test; such reviewing should be part of your routine. It may be as convenient as spending 10-15 minutes each day going back over the most important points. As you repeatedly come back to the material, you’ll build your understanding and gain a better understanding for exams.


Balancing Extracurriculars & Academics

  • What are Extracurricular Activities and Why Are They Important?

Though academics are unequivocally important, high school is also a time of self-discovery through extracurricular involvement besides what goes into the pursuit of academic excellence. Whether through sports, music, or volunteer work, extracurricular activities can enrich your high school experience and help you learn quite a few things, including working within a team and taking on leadership roles. I highly recommend taking part in at least one or two extracurricular activities as they allow you to grow outside of the academic department and lead to you becoming a more well-rounded person. Colleges also look for your involvement in things beyond academics which is where extra curricular activities can help you make that jump in their eyes. 




  • Time Management for Extracurricular Activities

Balancing academics with extracurricular activities can indeed be a difficult task and requires some planning. The first step is to clearly define how much time you must devote to each activity per week. Then, ensure that your week is balanced enough to give plenty of time to your studies and to your extra-curricular activities. It all comes down to finding that golden balance of being able to take care of everything without being too overwhelmed. If you do start feeling too stressed, drop the extracurriculars you don’t see helping you or that you don’t particularly enjoy. You have to be true to yourself and know your limits while simultaneously pushing them to ensure you are constantly growing and becoming who you aspire to be. 


  • Boundaries

Extracurricular activities are always interesting, and they can be difficult not to get swept up in, but your academics always come first. Remember to always keep your priorities straight. Your grades are the most important thing, and ensuring you understand the content you are learning is imperative. Start to learn how to set limits or turn down those activities that get you off your studies. For example, if you have a set study time at 5pm every day and your friend is to invite you to lunch, you have to be able to say no. Be clear, firm, and reasonable. Time management is important, and time should also be set aside for your friends as well. However, if you have a schedule, follow it and ensure everything has its proper time. 


Stress Management

  • Recognizing Stress Signals

The situation of high school can pile on a lot of stress on an individual, particularly one with many commitments at hand. The ability to recognize signs and symptoms associated with stress is very important. These include being easily irritated, constantly fatigued, having a lack of concentration, and simply not being able to sleep. If stress is not managed properly, it can severely damage your mental health as well as your academic performance.


  • Physical Activity

Engaging in exercise on a regular basis is a key factor in lowering your stress levels. When carrying out exercises, the body releases endorphins, which are identified to lift the body’s mood. Find something you enjoy doing and incorporate it into your daily life. Some great examples include going to the gym, jogging, going for walks, swimming, yoga, and playing sports. Physical activity helps you lower stress, ensure focus, and keep your energy level high. While doing something you enjoy, you also have an opportunity to socialize and get out of the house. All of these things come together to make physical activity an essential part of your day. Therefore, finding time for it is important to help find balance in your schedule. 


  • Sleep

Never underestimate a good night’s sleep. Proper sleep is necessary for cognitive capacities, memory, and your overall well-being. You must be sleeping 7-9 hours on a regular basis and try to have a bedtime. Of course, things can happen and once in a while you may go over whatever time you impose, but try your best to hit the hay at that set time. Cramming the night before a test actually does not do you much good, whereas studying in the day and getting proper rest at night ensures you are better prepared for the exam. 


  • Finding Healthy Outlets










In addition to regular exercise, it is wise to find an outlet through which you can release any pent-up stress and tension. This can be achieved through any hobby that interests you. As I’ve emphasized before, time for yourself is necessary; it is not a luxury. Coping with the stress of high school becomes much easier if you also focus on things that make you happy and relaxed.



  • Embracing a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be further developed through dedication to effort and persistence. View all obstacles or setbacks as examples from which you can learn and gain. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” try to shift that negative narrative and turn it into “I can’t do this yet.” This use of language goes a long way to what you will actually do in terms of classroom performance and general resilience.


  • Realistic Goals



Goals are your focus and motivation tools. In order for them to work, however, they must be realistic. Challenge is a welcome but not up to the extent that you can’t achieve it. Better, divide the bigger goals into the chucks and keep track of what you have achieved and where you stand. It will not only help keep you on track but also bring you confidence as you push forward. 


  • Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

Look carefully at who you are hanging out with. Associating yourself with the right crowd is important. Aim to surround yourself with people who constantly push themselves and have traits you admire. The more time you spend with someone, the more you pick up from them. If you surround yourself with the right people, you will, given time, pick up their positive habits. However, this goes the way as well. If surrounded by the wrong crowd, you can eventually slide into bad habits that take you away from the path to success.


  • Gratitude Practice

Life goes by fast, and there is always something happening. Every once in a while, take a step back and spend a little time thinking about some things you are grateful for. This might be a supportive teacher, a good grade, or just the fact that it’s a sunny day. An attitude of gratitude can illuminate your mood, boost your resilience, and keep you positively oriented. Everyone goes through highs and lows. Being grateful for the small things can uplift your spirits during those lows and help you overcome whatever challenge you may be facing.


Final Thoughts:

High school will teach you many things, but one of the most important may be time management. Hopefully this blog will have taught you the importance of planning, setting priorities, developing effective study skills, balancing academics and extracurriculars, managing your stress levels, and maintaining a positive mindset. If you are to put all these tools together to use, you will find yourself breezing through whatever challenges life throws at you. You will experience many things in high school, as it prepares you for your next chapter. Having the right attitude towards meeting academic goals and enjoying the process at the same time is what makes it all worthwhile. 


Reviewed by Dr. Kaisar Alam and Muhammad Rahman


Healthy Habits for Academic Success

Included in this article: 

  • Physical Health
  • Mental Health
  • Academic Habits
  • Social Health

Success in college involves much more than understanding course material and getting a good grade; success involves developing life habits that will help you support your goals. The more you have worked to create such habits during middle school and high school, the easier and more enjoyable the experience will become, both in the present and future. This blog centers around sharing some of the most important healthy habits that are going to make all the difference in your life as a student. From time management and mental health to general success, these differing habits range in their coverage, but all will help you reach higher and higher levels of academic success. 


Physical Health

1.1 Prioritize Sleep: The Ultimate Brain Booster

One of the most important, yet painfully neglected, aspects in the lives of the student body is sleep. Most students end up cheating on sleep for many reasons, ranging from studying all night for a test to binge-watching their favorite TV series. This can cause serious harm to their bodies, but many students continue this damaging behavior as they often underestimate the importance of sleep and would rather spend that time doing something else. These detrimental effects may easily spill over into your academic life. Sleep is given little to no priority and usually put on the back burner, and this needs to change if one wants to increase his chances at success.

  • Why Sleep Matters

While you sleep, the brain automatically starts working on consolidating the information learned during the day. This can be academic material as well as experiences that one had during the day, thereby, making memories. If you do not give your brain this time, then you will only find that it makes it harder to focus and to remember basic things, which, in turn, can affect your problem-solving ability and critical thinking. It is not only crucial for your mental needs but also your body. You need to rest, especially because of how active you are throughout the day.

  • How Much Sleep Do You Need? 

Middle and high school students should have at least 8-10 hours of sleep. How does one achieve this? By developing a fixed routine with a set bedtime and time you plan on waking up. Be as consistent as possible, for that is what matters most. Another could be by not having caffeine in the afternoon and avoiding screen time before sleep. Research has shown that if you follow these two rules, you’re guaranteed a deeper sleep for longer.


1.2 Balanced Nutrition: Fueling Your Body and Mind

What you eat also affects your academic performance. Be sure to keep a balanced diet, as nutrition directly affects brain function. This includes the ability to learn as well as the skill to comprehend, both being necessary to excel. 

  • Start with Breakfast

Your morning should start with a healthy breakfast as it will provide you with the energy needed to be successful. A good, solid breakfast not only sets the tone in terms of energy but also is the first meal of the day, thus it also starts your metabolic process for the day. Because of this, you need various proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains included in the meal. These foods will keep you full and energized throughout the day.

  • Snacking Smart

Snacking is allowed, but you have to be on the lookout for the ingredients they contain. Aim for foods that are rich in nutritional value and answer your cravings while avoiding the urge that their sugary counterparts provide. Good examples include fruits, nuts, and yogurt. These will fill you up while also helping re-energize your mind and body to take on the challenges of the day. Ensure that you remain balanced by not consuming snacks in abundance. 


1.3 Regular Exercise: Keeping Your Body and Brain Active

Besides keeping the body fit, physical activity keeps the brain alert and ready. Constant physical exercise improves your memory, concentration, and overall mental condition by performing several functions in the brain. It does all that by causing increased blood flow to the brain.

  • Incorporating Movement

Whether it’s playing a sport, going for a walk, or doing a quick workout at home, find activities to stay relatively active every day. Even small doses of physical activity can make a real difference in mood and energy levels.

  • Exercise as a Stress Reliever

Sports is a perfect way to overcome stress, which every student goes through at one point or another. Yoga, running, etc. allow you to clear your head and give you heightened concentration when you are studying.


Mental Health



2.1 Mindfulness and Meditation: Tools for Stress Management

Middle and high school can be stressful, as far as academics, extra-curriculars, and socializing are concerned; it’s a lot of things hanging over your head. Developing good and healthy mental habits is just as important as it is to have good physical health during this time. To remain balanced, you must set aside a time to work on yourself, and that is where mindfulness comes into play. 

  • Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an activity that involves being in the moment without judgment. It helps people hold their attention on what they are doing at the moment and decreases anxiety about the future or regrets of the past.

  • Practicing Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can be difficult. Some basic ways to begin include breathing exercises, short meditation sessions, or even using apps such as Headspace and Calm. Keeping the sessions short helps you stay consistent, as finding a way to stay mindful every day is the goal, whatever way that may be ensuring you are comfortable and reaping the benefits. 


2.2 Time Management: Reducing Stress Through Planning

The sheer number of things a student has to worry about can easily lead to feelings of anxiety and concern. This includes homework, readings, projects, exams, clubs, etc. In order to combat this, students must focus on time management and staying responsible, as both of these things can reduce stress and help maintain good academic success. 

  • Planner/Digital Calendar

Keeping an academic planner is a great way to remain on top of everything. It allows you to structure your day and keep all of your commitments in one place. This simplifies things, leading to less instances of you missing an essay deadline or forgetting to submit your homework. You can keep track of how you spend your time, allocating certain time slots to studying, having fun with friends, taking a nap, etc. You will feel much more secure about your academic and personal life due to you having sat down and found the time to grow in both. 

  • Prioritize

 Every student needs to learn how to prioritize. Not all tasks are equally important. In order to properly prioritize, focus on what requires immediate attention. This can be due to a variety of reasons, from the assignment being due earlier to it requiring more time. By employing these methods, you ensure that you take care of what needs to be done first and still have time for what you need to handle after. 


2.3 Seeking Help: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Struggling, or simply feeling overwhelmed is ok. Not only is it ok, it’s normal. Every student goes through that, whether he can tell or not. The important thing is what steps you take to combat that feeling. Asking for help when you need it is the best thing you could possibly do in that scenario.

  • Teachers + Counselors

 Teachers and counselors are often overlooked when students find themselves struggling. This is a crucial mistake many make, as they are here to help you in any way that they can, so use the resources at your disposal. If you’re having trouble with a particular subject or dealing with personal issues that are affecting your schoolwork, don’t hesitate to reach out to those who are meant to help. They’re there to help you succeed, but the first step is to accept that you need it in the first place. 

  • Peer Support

Teachers and counselors aren’t always the solution, however. Look to your peers, as they can often be comfortable and efficient helpers when students find themselves in a difficult spot. They also may have either gone through or are going through something similar. People who have experienced what you are experiencing can oftentimes be the best teachers and give advice that will help you the most. This also translates outside of emotions and more directly into academics. Study groups and peer tutoring is a great way to get help with subjects you may be struggling in. Not only will you get the help you need, but also you may very well make some friends along the way. 


Academic Habits

3.1 Active Learning: Engaging with the Material

Sometimes, actively listening to a lecture or reading and annotating a textbook isn’t enough. There are other ways to further your understanding and help you fully grasp the material. For any method of learning to be effective however, one must be actively learning. Active learning revolves around being present and engaging with the material to retain information and facilitate a deeper level of understanding.

  • Notes

Note-taking is vital to grasping new content. Jotting down quick, concise, and efficient notes can help reinforce what you are learning. There are many different methods of note-taking, including mind mapping, the Cornell method, and others. The important thing is to be efficient. The purpose of notes is not to regurgitate every word the teacher said, but rather to identify and note down the key information needed. Simply writing it will help you remember and it also serves as a method for review before the quiz/test. 

  • Ask

If you are ever uncertain about a topic, ask. There is no limit to how many times you can ask either. Ask until you fully understand whatever it is. If you still don’t understand, meet the teacher after class, during lunch, or during office hours and ask them to explain again. Never be afraid to ask a question and never let your mind fool you into thinking that there is such a thing as a dumb question. Everyone faces moments when one needs further explanation, or simply for a teacher to repeat something so it may click in your mind. Teachers aim to teach, and answering questions is part of teaching. Not only will you be helping yourself, but also you may very well be helping your peers as well who may have that exact same question but lack confidence to speak up. 


3.2 Study Techniques: Finding What Works for You

Everyone is different, and this also counts towards how we learn. In order to learn more efficiently, explore various learning styles and see what best suits you. Different styles work best for different situations, and having as many tools in your toolbox can come in handy later down the road. Find what works best for you and utilize those methods as much as possible. 



  • Repetition

Repetition involves moving information from your short-term memory over to your long-term memory by repeating information over and over. You continuously review the same material again and again over various intervals of time. This helps you retain the information for longer, and is a known study tactic proven to help the human mind retain more information.

  • Practice Tests

Practice tests serve as an enactment of the real deal, allowing you to be more comfortable when taking the actual exam. They allow you to be more comfortable with the format, the timing, and the kinds of questions you will see on the exam. This greatly reduces stress on the actual day as you now have somewhat of an expectation and won’t be caught off guard by anything on test day. Practice tests also allow you to better understand where exactly you need further review, as you get to see what you got wrong. You can then strengthen the areas in which you are weak. Taking practice tests for math, science, and standardized testing is extremely important as they not only show you the things that you need to work on but also help you to have the confidence that you require for your desired grades.

3.3 Avoiding Procrastination: Staying on Top of Your Work

Many students, if not all, procrastinate at some point in school. Procrastination is a huge issue for most, as it causes unnecessary stress and can lower the effectiveness of a student. When you procrastinate an essay til the night before it’s due, the actual quality suffers greatly compared to if you had put in the proper time, giving yourself breaks and opportunities to proof-read rather than having to submit immediately. Procrastination hurts your academic performance as well as your mental well being. This goes back to the stress factor mentioned earlier, and the combination of both of these is why it is so important to develop strategies in order to avoid it as much as possible. 

  • Break It Down

Big assignments can often seem daunting, which is a major factor of why students procrastinate. In order to avoid procrastinating, break down the larger assignment into smaller ones. For example, give yourself a week to write an essay. Use one day to make the outline, another to write the intro, etc. This ensures the quality of work stays as high as possible while keeping stress levels as low as possible, which is exactly what every student should be striving for.

  • Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique centers around taking small, effective breaks rather than working non-stop. In order to do this, the student must create blocks to study for and then take a mandatory break for x amount of time. This is another example of breaking a larger task into  smaller ones, but with respect to the time rather than the task itself. An example of this is to study for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. This ensures that you stay efficient and focused for all 25 minutes, and taking a break is rewarding yourself for doing so. Another important aspect is ensuring all distractions are gone while you are studying in order to remain effective. When studying for hours at a time, you will notice that the efficiency has begun to fade more and more as you go further into your study. This is called burnout, and everyone experiences it. So in order to avoid it, use your time in a more productive manner.


Social Health

4.1 Building Supportive Relationships: Friends and Family Matter

Lean on the people close to you when you find yourself going through a difficult time. Every person has a support system, so make sure to take advantage of it, as it is  important in order to maintain your mental health. Your support system is made up of your friends, family, teachers, counselors, etc. Anyone you can look up to who can offer any sort of guidance or help in your times of need is a part of your support group. Utilize them in whatever capacity you need, and never shy away from asking for help. 



  • Quality vs Quantity

The way you spend your time socially is very important. Branch out as much as you can, but always remember that quality is better than quantity in this regard. It is much better to have a few close friends who support you, share your morals, and value you as a person rather than a bunch of acquaintances who don’t care for you deeply. Focus on building meaningful connections and foster those relationships by spending your time on them. Again, be sure to meet new people and create new bonds, but always go back to those life-long friends and keep that bond strong, as they are the ones who will uplift you. 

  • Communicate

Always be open when it comes to how you communicate with others, especially your family, friends, teachers, and counselors. Open communication is the key to keeping your relationship strong and healthy. Never be too scared to share your feelings with them, ask them for help, or offer your own help to them if you see a need for it. Keep this honest, open, and simple, and the relationship will flourish.

4.2 Balancing School and Social Life: Finding the Right Mix

Academics are often viewed as the most important aspect of schooling, but make sure that you put away time for social activities as well. This is the time for you to spend with your friends, to relax, and to unwind. Many see it as unnecessary, but in order to excel academically, you need to give yourself proper rest. To be efficient, always aim to find the balance. Balancing your workload along with having fun will lead you to being efficient and happy, which is vital to your mental well being. Always take care of yourself, no matter the situation. 

  • Boundaries

There will be times when your friends want to go out whereas you planned on studying. You have to learn how to say no, otherwise you won’t find that sought after balance. Find what’s most important to you and work from there. This is why planning is also so important, as you can have set times for work and enjoyment. There will be times where you will be given the choice to either attend a social event or finish your work/study. In those situations, remain responsible and know that there will be other events in the future that better suit your schedule. Take the loss today to make tomorrow brighter, rather than affect your future for a short-term gain. 

  • Fun Time

You have to set aside some time to just enjoy life. Don’t get too caught up in the stakes and pile pressure upon yourself. Enjoy, let loose, and have some fun once in a while. Again, always have a balance in your life. Leaning too far either way is not healthy, so participate in extracurriculars you enjoy, hang out with friends, and go through experiences that will help you grow and contribute to your happiness. 


Final Thoughts:

Middle and high school is the place to start developing good habits in order to be successful as you move on through life. These healthy habits you develop will hopefully have you lead a balanced life, with success both academically and socially. Some points to focus on include your mental health, practicing foundational academic habits, nurturing your relationships, and leaning on those around you. These will allow you to navigate through the struggles of school and grow up with more confidence. It’s not just about getting the grades; it’s about creating a healthy lifestyle that better prepares you for whatever life throws at you. However, doing all of these does not mean your life will automatically become easy, and you will no longer face any challenges. These habits put you in the best position to overcome those challenges, rather than help you avoid them. As a college student, I’ve learned that these habits are the foundation of success, and I hope this guide will help you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.


Building a workable routine

Zikra Rahman


The clock strikes 3 am… 5 hours left until your physics test. On your desk splatters papers and post-its. The words in your textbook don’t even look like letters anymore. Staying awake won’t be an issue though; the second hand ticks. You never wanted to cram your semester into one night… it’s just the math test yesterday, the english essay and the spanish presentation tomorrow. As a student, it gets difficult to balance your school work, social life and well-being through the deadlines and stress. Here are Prep excellence’s tips to building a workable routine. 


Plan ahead


Go get yourself a cute agenda, make a bullet journal or use Google calendar. When you keep all your tasks in your head, a 500 word essay feels like a 48 part presentation. Writing your tasks down puts the workload into perspective, especially when you’re not constantly trying to remember them. After you’ve listed your assignments, you can break the tasks into smaller proportions. 


To do so, determine your working pace, deadline and workload. Divide your work into smaller parts: research, first draft of script, second draft of script, good copy of script, choose pictures for the infographic, make outline for infographic and final copy of infographic. Then distribute a bit of your work throughout your time slot, keeping in mind your limitations and abilities. Then, you should determine and write down what you want to accomplish each day. So, instead of reading 15 chapters in 2 days, read two every day for 7 days. 


Listing things down gives you a greater control of your life, as well as clearing your mind. Now, you can focus on other aspects of you: better sleep because you don’t stay up cramming for your next test and exercising more because you’re not anxiously sitting around anymore. Ideally, you should have four lists. However, people are different and too many lists can have the opposite effect and stress out many. But you should aim for at least a monthly and weekly schedule. And even if you don’t always use a daily schedule, you should opt for one during the exam season and big projects. 


Yearly: for your big projects, goals and personal ambitions. For example, learning a programming language. 

Monthly: to divide your big goals, as well as events, exams and monthly ambitions. You should set out deadlines and big goals here, so, finish learning a specific course by the first week of march. 

Weekly: for your obligations, exams and events. Your weekly schedule will probably be the most pressing. You can divide your monthly goals into here. 

Daily: You divide your weekly goals into here. You list specific tasks you wish to accomplish. Can be used to balance aspects of life other than school or work. For example, try including a 30 minute walk, hanging out with a friend, cutting out on social-media etc. It is also the most effective list to build good habits and routine. Crossing-out every-time you abstain from bad habits and accomplish a routine can “send you on a roll”. 


Set a time to sleep and a time to wake up


The saying: “early to sleep, early to rise, keeps you healthy, wealthy and wise” has its merits. If you’re a night owl, you work better at night and can’t do anything in the morning. However, when you’re sleeping at four am and waking up at 3 pm, it crosses the line. We’re not saying sleep at eight and wake up at four, however, a healthy sleep schedule reduces stress and increases concentration. Setting a target time based on your individual circumstances to sleep will encourage you to start and finish your work before said time. To build a sleep-schedule, keep into account which times you’re the most and least productive, when you have to be awake, your workload, etc. 

Divide your work into light – heavy – medium


The hardest part of working is getting started. So, start with your easiest task to help “break the ice”. Then, finish up your hardest assignments while you’re still “in the zone”. Finally, finishing up with the moderately demanding tasks allows you to take a breath and better adjust to your recreation period.


Define and prioritize clear goals


Although obvious, when working, divide your work according to importance, which can be defined through deadlines and workload. Once you define clear objectives, it becomes easier to divide your work. Some people work better setting up a big ambition at the end of the tunnel: studying will help me graduate and get a job. Others are better off setting smaller, more concrete, ambitions: studying will help me get an A on the exam. 


Don’t overwork yourself


While working hard is important, beware of overworking. Committing yourself to too much can cause burn out, which is often mistaken for laziness. Overworking, often caused by procrastination and stress, is detrimental in the long run: working too much now affects your productivity, ability to accomplish future tasks, mental and physical health. To avoid overworking, instead of immediately moving onto the next assignment, take breaks every time you finish a task. Devote time for recreation and to yourself: meet up with a friend, go on a walk or watch a movie. Setting up recreational events into your time-table can encourage you to finish your work before said time. Whenever you feel the pressure overwhelming you, it’s an indicator you should take time to relax. It’s more effective and refreshing to take small breaks everyday rather than working relentlessly throughout the week and taking one entire day off. 


Drink water, sleep, eat balanced, breathe and exercise


Not taking care of yourself largely contributes to student stress. When the basic needs aren’t paid attention to, things start to slip out of your control. Start by placing a water bottle near/on your desk. Building good habits is tough, so despite the temptation, start small and progressively increase intensity. A 10 minute walk is better than 0 minutes. And slowly, you can increase that 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Consider starting some yoga, meditation and breathing exercises to relieve stress. 


Sneak in revision time


Use seemingly meaning-less time to get work done. If you take the bus home, pull out your textbook pdf and get some reading done or review your chemistry notes. If you’re studying on the go make sure to prepare your material and study goals beforehand: download pdfs of documents if you don’t have internet access and determine how many pages you want to get done. For your next test, take the key ideas of the material and put them into jot-notes on your phone, which you can review while waiting for the subway. You could also play a youtube video or a recording of yourself while you do house-hold chores. Enjoy your schedule clearing up and going-out with friends!


Make friends


Whether your peers are in or out of your academic life, they can help you keep track of your study and life habits. Sprinkling out obligations to them throughout your schedule can help you organize your work around that. Healthy friendships make mundane life more fun; hence help you avoid losing control. A positive influence provides someone to talk and relate to when you’re stressed. Forming a study group or working on an assignment together can make otherwise dreadful studying fun and help you understand the material better. 


Make studying fun and change the pace


When studying is made fun, it exhausts less of your energy. It also decreases the likelihood of procrastination and falling back into old bad habits. Rather than giving yourself a reward at the end, make the actual experience more pleasant. Some tips would be: buy cute stationary, listen to your favorite soundtrack and form a study group. Try out different study methods, like note re-taking (take your scrambled messy class notes and retake them in an aesthetic fashion when you come home/before the test) and the box study method (Make 3 boxes with post-its of your information: check the first one every day, the second every other day and box 3 every week. When you get a question right, promote the post-it to the next box. When you get one wrong, demote it back to the first box). When multiple things are due the next day, a change of pace can help you be more efficient and productive. So, divide your assignments in chunks: 10 math problems, alternate to 30 pages of reading, alternate to writing a paragraph of that essay, take a break then repeat. 


To conclude, the key to maintaining a workable routine is balance. You want to list down your personal, recreational, professional and educational needs, then divide them throughout your time-table accordingly. It’s a method of trial and error as you get to know yourself: your strengths, weaknesses, study habits, pressure limit, attention span, individual circumstances etc. A workable routine must take all these aspects into account in order to be effective and productive. A tip is to replace negative habits with a productive passion you enjoy more, so instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone, write a new story. Balance also gives you a greater control of your life, which reduces stress, which in turn increases balance. However, getting rid of bad habits can be extremely demanding and overwhelming, so it’s important to break the ice by starting slow and small. For example, to fix a sleep schedule start off with going to bed 20 minutes earlier, then go on from that. Instead of trying to change yourself overnight and giving up after a week, implement little bits of these tips day by day into your life.